Is Anwar merely paying lip service to protecting non-Muslims rights?

The annual World Press Freedom Index indicates that the Malaysian government's tight leash on the media has resulted in the country tumbling down to the 107th spot from 73rd. – The Malaysian Insight file pic, July 2, 2024.

PRIME Minister Anwar Ibrahim is fine with the press criticising his government but has placed speed breakers on the 3R subjects of race, religion and royalty.

In a recent interview with Al-Jazeera, Anwar said he does not condone actions that could cause riots or endanger public safety.

“It doesn’t matter whether we are being downgraded (in press freedom rankings). What is important is that criticism is allowed. (But) it becomes an issue when you touch on 3R issues, condemning race, condemning religions, inviting and inciting riots. We cannot afford to have that in our country,” he said.

The government’s tight leash on the media has resulted in the country tumbling down to the 107th spot from 73rd in the annual World Press Freedom Index.

The reforms promised by the Pakatan Harapan coalition have not seen the light of day.

Malaysia’s diversity has ironically become a stumbling block to the promotion of harmony and unity among the people. The government’s soft-pedalling of communal tensions has been a disaster.

This has emboldened some people to the extent of proselytising to non-Muslin children.

Yet the government remains indifferent to the threat posed by Muslim preacher Firdaus Wong, who was caught on video talking to a teacher about how to convert secondary school students.

The four-minute video shows Wong and the teacher discussing the conversion of Forms Three, Four and Five students.

In the June 3 video, the teacher is seeking advice on how to handle such matters. The preacher advises the teacher to convert the schoolchildren by reciting the “kalimah syahadah” (Islamic declaration of faith) but without pictures and videos or register the students as they are minors under the law. 

Why is the government silent over the actions of Wong? Do our leaders cherry pick issues to talk about?

Why hasn’t Anwar reprimanded Wong? Should non-Muslims be punished concluding that the government is supporting Wong’s sinister agenda of converting minors to Islam?

Veiled threats to at the media is not how a democratic government functions. 

Whose interests does Anwar have at heart?

The government’s failure to chastise Wong and others like him is unacceptable as they threaten the nation’s peace and harmony.

Global Human Rights Federation president S. Shashi Kumar had raised concerns over Wong’s nefarious deeds.

He slammed the teacher for failing in his duty of care to the students in his charge.

Conversions must not be done surreptitiously as true faith must stem from genuine belief and understanding.

Shashi said Wong’s recommendations were clearly unethical as they taught children to lie and engage in religious activities behind their parents’ backs.

Shashi said despite many police reports made against Wong, the authorities remained silent.

Is encroaching on parental rights not an offence under the Federal Constitution? 

Is Anwar forgetting his pledge to the non-Muslims to safeguard their rights? Or was that merely lip service to win votes? – July 2, 2024.

* This is the opinion of the writer or publication and does not necessarily represent the views of The Malaysian Insight. Article may be edited for brevity and clarity.

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  • Let's be honest here....PM and the MOE has no will to improve and uplift the Nons in Bolehland....1st all As in 10 subject when 9 subjects are a compulsory plus keep Bumi quota as status's still 90-10 and on the 10s, these students MUST score 10As. On the other hand 90% can sneek in with whatever results they have. It doesn't end here there's Bumi only Asasi Sains, UITM plus JPA, MARA and State governments sponsored Bumi students....10 As policy is like an insult to these high achiever6by today's Unity Government....what a joke after 60+ years!

    Posted 5 days ago by Crishan Veera · Reply