Why Langkawi must remain open to all visitors

Mustafa K. Anuar

People visit tourist destinations not only for the wine and the sun-kissed beaches. – The Malaysian Insight file pic, June 27, 2024.

The proposal to make Langkawi a Muslim tourist destination has received flak from people, particularly those in the tourism industry.

Such a reaction erupted following the response of Deputy Tourism, Arts, and Culture Minister Khairul Firdaus Akbar Khan to Seputeh MP Teresa Kok’s query in parliament about the restrictions on tourists drinking alcohol and wearing revealing clothes.

He said the focus will be on families and “spirituality” in Malaysia, where, if we may add, corruption is rife and almost a way of life.

It is no surprise then that the industry and business people on the Kedah island are deeply concerned that the shift in focus would adversely impact them, as this will downplay the efforts to attract non-Muslim tourists as well as gain more revenue.

This move is also a shift away from the tagline “Malaysia Truly Asia”, which encapsulates the cultural diversity that is Malaysia.

Our cultural diversity has always been a selling point to tourists as well as a source of national pride.

Niche tourism, which is a specialised segment of the tourism industry, is obviously the antithesis of mass tourism as well as of the image of a Malaysia that is purportedly inclusive.

The deputy minister argued that there were already a few states that have taken this narrow approach. So, Langkawi would be copying and competing with these states for similar groups of tourists.

The question is, why would Langkawi need to go down this path when it has a lot more to offer to the tourists coming from various parts of the world and of diverse backgrounds?

People visit tourist destinations not solely to enjoy the wine and the sun-kissed beaches. There are other things for them to explore and do.

Tourists generally are attracted to cultural heritage, events and festivals, natural beauty, food, shopping, good infrastructure and general safety, among others. Langkawi should harness its potential with these factors in mind.

That is why Bali, for instance, does not brand itself as a spiritual enclave for Hindus. It has what it takes to attract tourists from various continents and faiths.

It caters to the needs of many visitors. For example, halal food is available. Why, they even have a surau (prayer room for Muslims) next to a building where Hindu-based cultural performances are held and enjoyed by diverse people.

Of course, there are certain aspects of the Balinese cultural tradition and “sacred” places that the visitors from around the world ought to know and respect.

For that matter, many tourists, regardless of their religious or cultural origins, visit Borobudur, the largest Buddhist temple in the world in Central Java.

Similarly, millions of tourists visit Rome each year to explore its history, art and culture. These include Catholics and others of various faiths.

People visit places to learn about the local communities.

Some of them might even be curious to know to what extent myopia has clouded the vision of certain Malaysian leaders when it comes to crafting government policies. – June 27, 2024.

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  • "to what extent myopia has clouded the vision of certain Malaysian leaders when it comes to crafting government policies."

    Malaysia's policies were always crafted with an eye to race and religion (and Article 153, NEP and other discriminations) thus often rendering them ineffective and downright useless.

    Other countries' are under no such constraints so whereas they progress by leaps and bounds, we are sliding backwards.

    Posted 6 days ago by Malaysian First · Reply