Axing tolls will cost Putrajaya RM400 billion, says minister

Kamles Kumar

Baru Bian says the abolishment of tolls was not among PH’s 100-day promises, and will be reviewed when the country’s debts are resolved. – The Malaysian Insight file pic, August 13, 2018.

PUTRAJAYA will keep road tolls until the economy recovers, as it needs the RM400 billion revenue, said Baru Bian today.

The works minister said the abolishment of tolls would be suspended until the economy recovers.  

“The government has postponed the suggestion until the economy stabilises and allows us to implement it,” Baru told the Dewan Rakyat during the question-and-answer time.

Prior to the elections, Pakatan Harapan promised in its manifesto the abolishment of tolls around the country.

Baru said it would cost the government more than RM400 billion in revenue if it abolished the tolls.

He said the abolishment of tolls was not among PH’s 100-day promises, and that the move would be reviewed when the country’s debts are resolved.

He also said PH did not know the government’s true financial situation when it made the promise.

“We are a responsible and practical government. We have analysed the situation in the country, a situation we had not known of before.

“Now we realise what the economic standing of the government is, we have postponed it,” Baru said. – August 13, 2018.

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  • Another U-turn of a pre-GE14 promise ... this PH Government is proving to be quite not so trustworthy after all. It has reneged on the recognition of UEC and nearly did not abolish BTN.

    Now the toll highway ... we all know that the UMNO-Putra company that runs all the toll roads have already recoup whatever outlay they put out. Their sweetheart concession contracts have all the crony terms of hefty compensation, automatic escalation, etc.

    So, an effective way to get back is to have a new tax on all income derived from the operation of toll highways. Make the rate 75% or more so that our Treasury can have an additional source of revenue. I hope Saudara Lim Guan Eng is reading this.

    Posted 5 years ago by Yok Foo Yap · Reply