Vape regulations should not be counter-productive, says panel

Dr Arifin Fii, Pankaj Kumar and Tarmizi Anuwar at the panel discussion today. – The Malaysian Insight file pic, June 21, 2024.

THE new upcoming vape regulations must balance between the need for oversight and to avoid causing any adverse impact on the economy and retail sector, said a panel today.

They said that for years the vape industry and consumers in Malaysia have operated without clear guidelines, creating a need for sensible and structured regulations.

They underscored the importance of the upcoming Control of Smoking Products for Public Health Act 2024 (Act 852) in providing much-needed oversight.

At the same time, they said drastic measures that could impact the economy, retail sector, consumers and public health should be avoided.

The panel urged the government to be cautious in implementing new vape regulations, saying that regulations must not hamper the potential benefits and economic contributions of the vape industry.

“Drastic regulations, such as a banning display of vape products at point of sale that has been in discussions recently, can lead to creating a whole new market for non-compliant and illegal products, undermining both consumer safety and government revenue.

“The vape industry, currently valued at RM3.48 billion, contributes to the economy by creating jobs and facilitates growth of the retail sector. Drastic measures can stifle this growth and lead to job losses,” said Datametrics Research and Information Centre (DARE) managing director Pankaj Kumar in a statement.

He added that implementing and enforcing drastic measures can also be costly for the retailers.

He said hefty costs and investments would need to be made to adjust to the ban of display of vape products and these resources could be better spent on facilitating growth of businesses especially in current economic situation.

“A sensible and balanced regulatory framework is essential to ensure the vape legal market that can be properly monitored and enforced,” he said.

Meanwhile, Advanced Centre for Addiction Treatment Advocacy (ACATA) president Dr Arifin Fii highlighted the public health perspective, advocating for harm reduction education.

“Education on harm reduction is crucial. Informing adult smokers about the relative benefits of switching to vape products can significantly reduce smoking prevalence.

“Prohibitive measures, such as display bans, can be counterproductive and hinder access to less harmful alternatives. It sends the wrong message to smokers and causes smokers to be misinformed about switching to less harmful products,” he said.

He suggested that educational, informative, responsible and regulated displays targeted at smokers and potential quitters should be allowed.

The third panelist, country associate at the Consumer Choice Center (CCC) Tarmizi Anuwar said there was a need for consumer protection and informed choice.

“Adult consumers must be well-informed about their options. Regulations such as banning display of vape products at point of sale can limit the information available to consumers, hindering their ability to make informed choices.

“Restrictive measures can also drive consumers to illegal products, where the products are not compliant with any safety standards set and contain unknown and unregulated substances,” he said.

The panelists also called for a greater collaboration of all stakeholders, and called on the Health Ministry to engage with retailers, industry representatives, public health experts and consumer advocacy groups.

This collaborative approach would ensure that the regulations are well-rounded, effective, and in the best interests of all parties, they said. – June 21, 2024.

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