100,000 applications for cash subsidies for diesel approved

The government has removed a blanket diesel subsidy to provide focused assistance to eligible sectors and disadvantaged segments of the population. – The Malaysian Insight file pic, June 20, 2024.

THE government has approved 100,000 applications for cash subsidies on diesel under the Budi Madani initiative for individual diesel vehicle owners and and smallholders, Bernama reports.

Finance Minister II Amir Hamzah Azizan said diesel subsidies were rationalised to provide focused assistance to eligible sectors and disadvantaged segments of the population.

“The monthly cash aid of RM200 is aimed at covering additional diesel expenses for more than 80% of individual diesel vehicle owners,” he said.

“I urge eligible Malaysians to promptly register for the June diesel cash aid payment. The government is committed to disbursing Budi Madani cash aid starting from the month the application is submitted,” he said in a statement.

Amir said 30,000 applicants received their cash aid on June 10 and 46,000 more will receive theirs today. Applicants submitting by the end of June will receive payment in early July.

“Eligible recipients will receive RM200 a month in their bank accounts or in cash at Bank Simpanan Nasional counters,” he said.

The Budi Madani initiative, launched on May 28, distributes diesel subsidy cash aid to individual diesel vehicle owners and smallholders.

About 300,000 diesel vehicle owners in Peninsular Malaysia qualify for Budi Individu, while nearly 400,000 smallholders are eligible for Budi Agri-Komoditi.

Those whose applications were unsuccessful can file an appeal on the Budi Madani website. – June 20, 2024.

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