Yseali calls on US to end funding of violence in Gaza

LAUNCHED in 2013, the Young Southeast Asian Leaders Initiative (Yseali) is the US government’s signature programme to strengthen leadership development and networking in Southeast Asia. Through various programmes and engagements, including US educational and cultural exchanges, regional exchanges, and seed funding, Yseali aims to build the leadership capabilities of youth in the region, strengthen ties between the United States and Southeast Asia, and nurture an Asean community. Yseali focuses on critical topics identified by youth in the region: civic engagement, environment and natural resources management, and entrepreneurship and economic development. Malaysians have actively participated in Yseali, undergoing a highly competitive selection process overseen by the US embassy in Kuala Lumpur.

Yseali members have voiced their strong opposition to the US foreign policy concerning the Israel-Palestine conflict, especially in response to the extreme violence in Gaza since October 7. They criticise the US for continuing to fund and arm Israel despite numerous human rights violations and war crimes committed by the Israeli state. The Yseali leaders call on the US government to uphold international peace and justice and to actively support the cessation of all violence in Palestine.

Yseali leaders have observed with outrage the systematic destruction carried out by Israel in Palestinian territories, including the massacre of civilians and the destruction of essential infrastructure such as hospitals and schools. They highlight the US’s ongoing support for Israel, which includes funding the Israeli military despite its documented war crimes, defunding crucial aid programmes, and shielding Israel from international condemnation and action. The US has repeatedly used its veto power to obstruct international peace efforts and shield Israel from sanctions and criticism, further complicating the path to a peaceful resolution.

Yseali leaders find it deeply ironic that a programme aimed at building leadership capabilities and promoting cross-border cooperation is sponsored by the US Bureau of Education and Cultural Affairs. Yseali has been instrumental in nurturing youth leaders across Southeast Asia, empowering them to address regional and global challenges through various initiatives. For instance, Yseali leaders have spearheaded projects on environmental conservation, social entrepreneurship, and civic engagement, bringing tangible positive changes to their communities. These initiatives showcase the potential of youth leadership in fostering cooperation and solving pressing issues.

However, the leaders note that the US’s actions contradict the initiative’s goals, as youths are being silenced and subjected to violence both in the US and Palestine. The Yseali leaders stand with global communities in calling for peace and justice for Palestinians, urging the US to cease its involvement in the violence and bloodshed and push for a solution centred on peace, justice, and human dignity.

Yseali leaders call for several specific actions from the US government. Firstly, they urge the US to facilitate the opening of aid corridors to ensure timely, effective, equitable, and sufficient humanitarian assistance to the people of Gaza. They emphasise the critical need for humanitarian aid to reach those in dire need, especially in light of the ongoing violence and destruction.

Secondly, they call for the US to use its significant diplomatic and economic influence over Israel to pressure it to uphold ceasefire resolutions and end military activities in Gaza. The Yseali leaders believe that the US has the leverage to push for a cessation of hostilities and to promote a peaceful resolution to the conflict.

Additionally, they demand that the US respect international laws and institutions and lead international efforts towards peace and justice in a constructive and principled manner. The Yseali leaders stress the importance of adhering to international legal frameworks and supporting multilateral efforts to achieve lasting peace and justice in the region.

Finally, they urge the US to uphold the right to free speech domestically and to protect young leaders in American universities who advocate for peace and human rights. The Yseali leaders highlight the need to safeguard the voices of youth activists and ensure that they can speak out against injustices without fear of repression.

In conclusion, Yseali leaders emphasise the urgent need for the US to end its complicity in the violence and advocate for a peaceful resolution in Gaza. They hope the US will take these necessary actions to promote peace and justice, ensuring that humanitarian aid reaches those in need and that military support for Israel ceases. The Yseali leaders’ commitment to peace and justice reflects the core values of the initiative, highlighting the role of young leaders in driving positive global change. – June 20, 2024.

* Shahrizal Mizani is a Yseali alumnus.

* This is the opinion of the writer or publication and does not necessarily represent the views of The Malaysian Insight. Article may be edited for brevity and clarity.

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