Lawyer representing e-hailing driver in the dark over case status

Alfian Z.M. Tahir

LAWYERS representing Ong Ing Keong a disabled (PwD) e-hailing driver who was allegedly assaulted by an escort of a prominent person last month, are in the dark over the status of the case.

N.Surendran told The Vibes that he and Latheefa Koya of Lawyers for Liberty have not been getting any update on the case despite the investigation papers being sent to the Attorney General’s Chambers.

“There has been no communication or update from the police or the AGC. What we know was a statement made by the IGP to the media that the IP has been sent to AGC.”

“Other than that, there’s nothing. No communication at all,” said the former PKR MP.

On June 5, Inspector-General of Police Tan Sri Razarudin Husain said the investigation papers were submitted to the Deputy Public Prosecutor’s Office for further action.

He added that the cops had completed the investigation papers and that statements had been recorded from 12 individuals including the victim, hotel workers and escorts of the VIP concerned.

“Although the complainant (the victim) in this case has withdrawn the police report, further recording of statements revealed that he is still interested to continue with this case,” he was quoted as saying.

He said checks showed that the suspect had no disciplinary records.

On May 31, Razarudin stressed that the police would conduct a thorough investigation based on recent developments and call in all officers involved in the case soon to assist.

In the May 28 incident, Ong, an e-hailing driver, lodged a police report the same day alleging he was assaulted by one of Johor Regent Tunku Ismail Sultan Ibrahim’s drivers while waiting for a customer at the St Regis Hotel lobby in KL Sentral.

Surendran previously said that cops have indicated that the escort who hit Ong is “attached” to the police.

“It’s an indication that has been given to us, you know, but confirmation of the identity and all that, I think we have to leave it to the police.

“They are conducting an investigation. I don’t want to say too much about that, but that’s the indication given,” said Surendran, who is representing the 46-year-old victim. – June 17, 2024.

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  • If it's taking too means a plan is being hatched....moreso it's a 3R issue plus some immunity thrown in and some inside's Bolehland at its best!

    Posted 1 week ago by Crishan Veera · Reply