Department for children brings hope

WOMEN, Family and Community Development Minister Nancy Shukri’s announcement that the government will establish a special department for children brings hope in 2023. It is good that Pakatan Harapan is living up to its election manifesto. We, child advocates and civil society organisations, are delighted that children are getting attention from the new government.

We recognise that it is early days yet. The proposal will need to be worked on and the scope and powers of the proposed department to be clarified. We ask that the minister engage with child advocates and civil society organisations in shaping the formation of the proposed agency for children.

One key issue will be the extent of the scope and powers of its powers. Will it be fully responsible for all children’s issues, superseding all other ministries that have some responsibility for children, and have powers to make policy changes? Or will it just be a coordinating body between different ministries and agencies on children’s issues?

We recommend that the government form a ministry that will have the capacity to make significant changes to the lives of all children in Malaysia and not just be a welfare organisation. No other government agency should be able to make policies that will affect children’s wellbeing without consultation with it.

We advocate that the department for children adopts an equitable and rights-based approach and have a wide scope to cover critical areas. It should:

1. Establish an interagency child protection case and data management system and prevent abuse, neglect, exploitation and violence against children;

2. Improve basic health service delivery, especially to marginalised children, and prevent deaths from road injuries and drowning;

3. Support the rights and needs of children with diverse disabilities;

4. Improve the status of marginalised children, including those who are migrants, refugees and stateless;

5. End child poverty, especially among our indigenous peoples in Sabah and inner city environments;

6. Encourage good practices in the provision of reasonable accommodation, mainstream children with special education needs and ensure access to universal education;

7. Improve timeliness, quality, access and safety of early childhood care and education;

8. Prohibit the detention of any child;

9. Remove all barriers preventing adopted children of Malaysian parents and foundlings from acquiring citizenship; and

10. End child marriage and reduce teenage pregnancies.

This list, although not exhaustive, seems like a tall order. The government announcement inspires confidence that together we can make build success over time.

Leadership and experience of child realities in Malaysia will be critical to shaping success. It is important to institutionalise children’s participation in the organisation and have representatives from diverse communities, including those who are marginalised and disabled. A dedicated, accountable and competent workforce, perhaps some staffing from other agencies, and a meaningful budget will be critical to the execution of function. 

The new entity will have to review and overcome Malaysia’s hesitancy in ratifying the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), and harmonise national legislation and policies with the Child Act and Sexual Offences Against Children Act.

We would like the cabinet to know that we, child advocates and civil society organisations, are firmly behind this initiative and offer our full support. It is the single most important plan that the government has put forward for the betterment of children in our nation. – January 2, 2023.


1. Dr Dr Amar Singh, child/disability advocate and adviser to Nation Early Childhood Intervention Council
2. Dr Hartini Zainudin, Yayasan Chow Kit, Voice of the Children
3. Dr PH Wong, Childline Foundation
4. Yap Sook Yee, children’s rights and empowerment advocate, WeCareJourney and FrienenArts
5. Cathryn Anila, Founder, Vanguards4Change
6. Prof Noor Aziah Mohd Awal
7. Dr Farah Nini Dusuki, child rights advocate and practitioner
8. Dr Mary Marret, Dr Irene Cheah, child protection subcommittee, Malaysian Paediatric Association
9. Anisa Ahmad, Persatuan Pengasuh Berdaftar Malaysia
10. Dr Chiam Heng Keng
11. Pertubuhan Kebajikan Vivekananda Rembau Negri Sembilan
12. Persatuan Kebajikan Sokongan Keluarga Selangor & Kuala Lumpur
13. Association of Women Lawyers
14. Make It Right Movement
15. Malaysian Rare Disorders Society
16. Protect and Save the Children
17. Montessori Association Malaysia
18. End CSEC Network Malaysia
19. Malaysian Council of Child Welfare
20. OKU Rights Matter Project
21. Jeannie Low, Play Unlimited
22. Persatuan Guru-Guru Tadika Perak
23. Prof Dr Mariani Md Nor, ECCE Council Malaysia
24. Persatuan Pendidik Awal Kanak2 Pahang
25. Persatuan Tadika Islam Malaysia
26. Eveleen Ling, Persatuan Tadika Malaysia
27. Malaysian Child Resource Institute
28. Ahli Majlis Kanak-Kanak Petaling Jaya
29. Dr Amelia Alias, child rights advocate
30. Persatuan Untuk Anak Kita.
31. Home of Peace, Kuala Lumpur
32. NGOhub
33. Dr Raihan Mohamed, Toy Libraries Malaysia
34. Wan Shakila Borneo Komrad
35. Siti Asa, Persatuan Taska Rumah Msia
36. Sarawak Women for Women Society
37. Wong Hui Min, Nation Early Childhood Intervention Council president
38. Asia Community Service
39. Kiwanis Down Syndrome Foundation
40. BOLD for Special Needs Penang
41. Simon Hoo, SPICES Early Intervention Centre
42. Dr Wong Woan Yiing, consultant paediatrician
43. Association of Professional Early Childhood Educators
44. Amy Bala, Malaysian Association of Social Workers
45. World Vision Malaysia
46. Reproductive Cadre on Sexuality Education and Queries 
47. Persatuan Sahabat Wanita Selangor
48. Persatuan Guru Tadika Semenanjung
49. Margaret Loy, Transformation Initiative Bhd
50. CbR Network Malaysia
51. Global Shepherds Bhd
52. Be My Protector
53. Anne Sivanathan, Inclusive Outdoor Classroom
54. Wan Shakila Borneo Komrad

* This is the opinion of the writer or publication and does not necessarily represent the views of The Malaysian Insight. Article may be edited for brevity and clarity.

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