Muhyiddin will not remain as PM after GE15, says Dr Mahathir 

Noel Achariam

Dr Mahathir Mohamad says Umno and PAS gave the PM post to Muhyiddin Yassin only because they could be a majority coalition if Bersatu left Pakatan Harapan. – The Malaysian Insight file pic, March 25, 2021.

MUHYIDDIN Yassin will not remain as prime minister after the 15th general election as his party Bersatu is unlikely to win many seats, said Dr Mahathir Mohamad.

“The political situation after GE15 is unlikely to be different from now. Muhyiddin will not be the prime minister,” he wrote in his blog,

Dr Mahathir said Bersatu, which is now a multi-racial party, is unlikely to win many seats. 

“With that, Perikatan Nasional, Barisan Nasional and Muafakat Nasional will choose someone else as the prime minister.  

“Umno and PAS gave the post of prime minister to Muhyiddin only because they could be a majority coalition if Bersatu left Pakatan Harapan.”

The former prime minister was referring to the “Sheraton move” in February last year, which led to the ousting of the PH government.

Dr Mahathir also wrote that Muhyiddin believed PN will win the election because it had already made preparations to face it.   

“Flags and banners have been booked and the distribution of seats between Bersatu, PAS and Umno has been negotiated.

“For Muhyiddin, there is only one problem that has not been resolved. Muhyiddin hopes that no opposition party will contest and with this PN will win uncontested.”

He said for this reason, his party Pejuang and Muda under Muar MP Syed Saddiq Abdul Rahman, were unable to get registered.

“Muhyiddin may try to hold an early election when Pejuang and Muda are not registered. 

“Muhyiddin can determine the enemy parties will not be registered. Starting with Pejuang.”

Pejuang is not aligned with any party although it is in the opposition. 

Dr Mahathir said if it is not registered in time for the election, it might have to contest as independents.

“(But as an unregistered party) we can’t use our logo and flags, which will confuse voters,” the Pejuang chairman added.

He also said he knew his party would not be able to become the government but its role was to determine which coalition formed the government.

“Pejuang cannot possibly be the government, but our support will determine which coalition will be the government. Pejuang will only give their support if their conditions are met.” – March 25, 2021.

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  • Dr M. It is now the perfect time for you to stay away from active politics. You have had you chance of becoming PM twice. Even if your newly formed party, Pejuang is formally registered before the 15th GE, a Pejuangs performance will equate mosquito parties that are rejected by the rakyat.You must be totally annoyed with TSMY after he courageously govern the country successfully. I hope your prediction of TSMYs as PM for only a brief period is false and totally untrue..

    Posted 3 years ago by SYED ABDULLAH BIN MOHAMED · Reply