Dr Mahathir pans Muhyiddin govt in sarcastic blog post

Dr Mahathir Mohamad has hit out at Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin in a sarcastic blog post, accusing him of abusing the emergency to do as he pleases. – The Malaysian Insight file pic, March 17, 2021.

DR Mahathir Mohamad today penned a sarcastic blog posting, hitting out at the Muhyiddin Yassin government for abusing the emergency ordinance and buying elected reps, among others.

He said, with the emergency ordinance in place, the prime minister is free to do anything, including reintroducing the fake news law and increasing the fine for those breaching the Covid-19 standard operating procedure.

“Fake news (law) – introduced by Najib but was cancelled by Pakatan Harapan (PH).

“Brought back by Muhyiddin. Muhyiddin’s words are equivalent to parliamentary approval… whatever he says becomes the law.

“Why do we need Parliament? What is the need for elections? Waste of time and money,” said the former prime minister.

He was referring to the new emergency ordinance gazetted last week which introduced a law to tackle fake news related to Covid-19 and the state of emergency imposed nationwide since January.

Offenders face hefty fines and jail terms of up to six years under the ordinance which will be in place until the end of the emergency.

Dt Mahathir also said the emergency ordinance has allowed Muhyiddin to do as he wished, including taking steps to strengthen his Perikatan Nasional pact.

He said there were members of Parliament who had defected to support Muhyiddin, but questioned as to how long that support would last.

He also said these defections were due to monetary rewards.

Dr Mahathir added that the government is also finding ways to impose higher fines on people as a way to increase its revenue.

“Not enough money? Increase the fines.

“Can’t pay RM10,000, wear an orange (lockup) dress and get inside (jail).

“Malaysia can. Everything can be done under emergency. Well done, Malaysia”.

He was referring to the increase in compounds from RM1,000 to a maximum of RM10,000 for breaching the MCO SOP. – March 17, 2021.

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  • All your doing Tun. You spark the crisis by resigning as PM for not wanting to pass the baton as promised to AI.

    Posted 3 years ago by Anwar Ismail · Reply

  • It was the rakyat awakening that gave PH the win in GE14, and you just threw it away because of your ego. Now live with it la.

    Posted 3 years ago by Noor Azhar Kamaruddin · Reply

  • Tun having said that are you going to take upon you to galvanise a move to ensure at the end of the day anti party hopping law is introduce?

    Posted 3 years ago by Teruna Kelana · Reply

  • Moo is learning from him and najis.

    Posted 3 years ago by Leanne Koo · Reply

  • Lets be impartial and logical. Why blame the Emergency on Tun? Next you are going to blame all the jumping frogs on Tun as well. The Covid-19 pandemic also Tun to be blamed?

    Posted 3 years ago by Super Duper · Reply