Hamzah relates Covid-19 ordeal

Home Minister Hamzah Zainuddin says he felt fatigued and weak after being infected with Covid-19. – The Malaysian Insight file pic, February 2, 2021.

HOME Minister Hamzah Zainudin returned to work today after recovering from Covid-19, and shared his painful and bitter experience of being infected with the virus.

“It’s painful… who said it wasn’t painful? My whole body felt like I was having nerve pain. I felt fatigued and weak, and if it attacked your head like me, Allah… it felt like your head was going to explode,” he said at a media conference today.

“My liver enzymes rose to a level of 900 so the doctor had to be careful when administering medication. Fever was up to 38.9 degrees Celsius,” said Hamzah, who was confirmed positive on January 12.

Hamzah added that although he was now virus-free, he had to undergo physiotherapy for his lungs at least twice a week.

He also asked the public to not spread fake news that would cause concern and fear. 

“I was admitted to the hospital on January 12 and although I was allowed to be discharged on January 24, I had to stay at home for another week. It wasn’t as if I wanted to be admitted for an entire month,” he said.

Hamzah said Malaysians should pray to be saved from the pandemic and continue to strive to develop the country, strengthen the economy and ensure continued peace and prosperity. 

“To those who prayed I would get worse, I forgive them because I study the Quran. The more I’m criticised the more merits I will accumulate,” he said, adding that he spent a lot of time engaged in religious pursuits during his time in hospital.

Hamzah also prayed Malaysia would be free of the virus and hoped the people would comply with the standard operating procedure, including physical distancing, to break the chain of infection. – Bernama, February 2, 2021.

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  • Quote " he spent a lot of times in religious engaged in religious pursuits during his time in hospital"..... Only politicians can declared this. Normal people will do this quitely because they know this act is between them and their God

    Posted 3 years ago by Against Corruption · Reply