Perak exco says luncheon with deputy health minister not planned

Zaim Ibrahim

PERAK executive councillor Razman Zakaria has apologised over a gathering at a tahfiz school run by him, which was in breach of the movement-control order.

The PAS assemblyman told The Malaysian Insight the Maahad Tahfiz Al-Quran Lid Dakwah Wal Imamah had not planned for a sit-down meal.

However, the village folk wanted to serve the minister as was the normal practice.

“People had travelled from Kuala Lumpur, and the programme went on all day. The last programme was in Lenggong, and from morning until afternoon they had not eaten.

“So they (the tahfiz school) had prepared lunch. The procedure included self-service and sitting 1m apart from one another,” the PAS Perak commissioner.

Razman and Deputy Health Minister Noor Azmi Ghazali were part of the group seen eating a meal at the tahfiz school in defiance of the MCO.

Photos of the group were shared on the deputy minister’s Facebook page before they were taken down. The account, too, appears to have been deleted.

However, screenshots of the pictures have been posted by social media users. The Malaysian Insight is contacting the Bersatu politician for comment.

Meanwhile, senior minister Ismail Sabri Yaakob said nobody, including those in government, is above the law.

Nobody is above the law. I understand that there have been police reports and we will leave it to police to carry out investigations,” said Ismail Sabri in his daily press briefing in Putrajaya yesterday.

Razman said the press should look into the issue with a positive mindset and not just pick an angle which would sensationalise the visit.

He said the fact that Noor Azmi and himself have helped front-liners was not highlighted.

However, Razman said he is not looking to escape the law with his explanation.

“I am providing this clarification to explain the situation and not to be spared from police action,” he explained.

Razman said he has been out and about to lend a hand to front-liners every day, including by helping resolve equipment shortages especially for medical workers.

He added that his officers have been providing cooked meals to security forces at roadblocks every night, especially around Bagan Serai.

“For example, if we don’t go down to the ground we would not know if those on duty at roadblocks are in need of portable toilets.” – April 19, 2020.

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  • Well backdoor semua boleh, MCO not for all

    Posted 4 years ago by Chai Hin Goh · Reply

  • Why are Tahfiz school program still held in the school when MCO are enforced? Does not MCO applies to all schools in general?

    Posted 4 years ago by Witzi Leong · Reply

  • Just pay the fine and go to jail, just like all normal people. There should be no special treatment for this back door government made up of stupid people

    Posted 4 years ago by Beng Keat Toh · Reply

  • What a lame excuse. Whether planned or not you should have commonsense and wisdom not to eat with so many people in close proximity. What more the person you had lunch with is the Deputy Health Minister. What bad example are you setting for the tahfiz students and the man on the street? Maybe you have lost your sense of shame but to be a good human being, you should own up without excuses and be sentenced like any other MCO offender. Do you understand what the rakyat wants? There is nothing positive in what you have done in the fight against the Cov-19 virus.

    Posted 4 years ago by Panchen Low · Reply

  • Universitis Collegues Schools etc etc Are CLOSED. How come under the Backdoor Govt which is Created by mahathir TAHFIZ IS STILL OPEN FOR BUSINESS AS USUAL. Are they not Subjected to msian Rule n Law of Order. Which is which now Business as Usual Or MCO. Police shld stop harrassing the RAKYAT BIASA . Precedent : MR ONG THE CARDIALOGIST DOCTOR.

    Posted 4 years ago by Lucky Boy · Reply

  • Spreading deadly virus is akin to a mass homicidal act. Does this clown have a privilege card to flip when caught with his pants down?

    Posted 4 years ago by Neo apartheird 101 · Reply

  • Lebai is the last person one can trust in this world!

    Posted 4 years ago by Chee yee ng · Reply

  • Full of crab. Nothing proceed as usual during this MCO. It has disrupted the lives of everyone and many things have changed. This Exco, like the Deputy Minister and all those in attendance should be charged fo breach of MCO without any further investigation necessary. Afterall many people have been punished for better reasons than this silly reason. They are just empty vessels unable to contain their feeling of self importance

    Posted 4 years ago by Mike Mok · Reply