Noor Hisham calls for sustainable PPE supply, reduced reliance on imports

The need for personal protective equipment for healthcare workers has seen a manifold increase as Malaysia battles to contain the coronavirus outbreak. – The Malaysian Insight file pic, April 14, 2020.

MALAYSIA must aim for self-sufficiency in the supply of personal protective equipment (PPE) for healthcare workers as need for the items has increased at least threefold, Director-General of Health Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah said.

The Covid-19 pandemic should be motivating local industries to manufacture PPE components, he added, noting that Malaysia was already the world’s largest producer of gloves.

“PPE usage has increased three to 10 times at Health Ministry facilities.

“We must be self-sustainable. Malaysia supplies 63% of the global supply of gloves. We should also be taking the lead for other PPE parts. Every industry should look into how it can enhance itself to make PPE,” he said at a daily press briefing on Covid-19.

The N95 mask is one item that is in short supply, he said, noting that while there are 42 local companies producing the three-ply surgical mask, none make the N95 mask, which has to be imported.

“But now it’s difficult to get N95 because the US is not allowing exports. We are using the KN95 mask made in China, which has given us about 100,000 pieces.”

He said the ministry typically stocked enough PPE supplies to last at least two weeks, but in view of the Covid-19 pandemic, it is looking at how it can increase supply.

“Healthcare workers need a continuous supply of PPE. At the moment we have enough stock of various items to last more than two weeks, but we must always monitor usage.”

Dr Noor Hisham said the ministry’s inventory currently has a 37-day supply of N95 masks, footwear or boot covers (78 days), protective head covers (52 days), 3-ply face masks (47 days), disposable face shields (25 days), aprons (23 days) and jumpsuit coveralls (19 days).

He urged healthcare workers to observe the ministry’s management guideline No.5/2020 on PPE usage, which states that not every staff member needs to don protective suits while on duty.

However, he said those attending to patients should treat all cases as Covid-19 until they tested otherwise.

He said the ministry is monitoring PPE stocks in all its hospitals and district clinics and has provided each state with the name of the person to call when supplies are low.

Dr Noor Hisham also welcomed offers from those in the fashion industry to sew PPE gowns for healthcare workers, and that they should contact the ministry for guidelines on the correct materials to use. – April 14, 2020.

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