Think about what you can offer non-Malays, Khairy tells Umno, PAS

SM Amin

Khairy Jamaluddin says Umno and PAS should not lose sight of the non-Malay voters. – The Malaysian Insight file pic, July 21, 2019.

AS Umno and PAS forge an alliance, Khairy Jamaluddin wants both parties to think about what they are going to offer non-Malays.

The Rembau MP said there was no problem in both Malay parties working together, but they should not lose sight of the non-Malay voters.

“We must ensure that this agreement is not seen as a cooperation that will not take into account other races. We must think of what we can offer them to get back their support.

“We can’t win if we just depend on PAS-Umno cooperation. I have been sceptical about this cooperation from the beginning,” he told Kota Melaka Umno delegates today.

He noted that the charter that both parties are working on should not result in the loss of Barisan Nasional component party’s support.

Umno and PAS have finalised an agreement which they have loosely termed a charter for national cooperation and are set to formalise it in the near future.

Khairy hoped that, in the quest for victory, Umno would not agree to a one-sided deal in the charter. – July 21, 2019.

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  • Indeed, what can UMNO PAS offer the non-Malays. More ketuanan Melayu? For a party based on race and religion, it's best to be honest to the voters. Don't pretend to look after the interests of the minority. To do so would be to indulge in duplicity, KJ

    Posted 4 years ago by Panchen Low · Reply

  • Nothing, the Chinese knows fake gestures. Only snake will attract snakes. The only Chinese the alliance can attract are the Chinese snake
    Their number is too insignificant.

    Posted 4 years ago by Butter Scotch · Reply

  • It is the ketuanan characteristics of UMNO and PAS that will bring about their own demise, whether they do or do not do anything for the non Malays. The culture will kill themselves as it will not breed a successful race which can stand own it's own. Another corrupt and shameless being will definitely appear some time down the road.

    Posted 4 years ago by Tanahair Ku · Reply

  • We dont want any sympathy from the Malays UMNO PAS as we have our Own Rights in the Federal Constitution already Stated. We Non Malays are NOT BEGGARS or neither we are HANDICAP. We can WORK HARD to SURVIVE in malaysia bolehland.

    Posted 4 years ago by Mindy Singh · Reply

    • Fully agree with Mindy Singh!

      Posted 4 years ago by Jordan Lee · Reply