Ipoh venue owner cancels ‘Malay power’ music festival

Xenophobia, Spiderwar and Total Distrust are among the 10 bands in the Malay power scene headlining Rebellion Fest, which has been scrapped. – Screenshot, March 21, 2019.

A “MALAY power” music festival in Ipoh was cancelled after the venue owner was informed of the fascist nature of the event, the South China Morning Post reports.

The owner of LadyBoss Studio, where the Rebellion Fest was to have been held next month, returned to the organiser the deposit for the booking, after an activist brought him up to speed. 

“(The owner) said he never knew about any of this and if I hadn’t told him, he would never have found out. He agreed to cancel the show and return the deposit,” the activist was quoted as saying.

Xenophobia, Spiderwar and Total Distrust were among the 10 bands in the Malay power scene headlining the show. 

Members of the Malay power movement seek to remove non-Malay communities from the country.

“I explained to (the owner) the connection between their racist ideologies and the vile human being who attacked the mosques in New Zealand last week,” the activist said.

Meanwhile, in Kuala Lumpur, UEM Sunrise denied that a similar music event, Death to Antifa, would be staged at Black Box.

A spokesman for the developer, which owns the mall where Black Box is located, said UEM disowned any links to the event.

“No authorisation has been given for such an event to take place. UEM Sunrise wishes to dismiss any association with Death to Antifa as well as all performers related to the said event, and will not hesitate to initiate legal action against individuals or groups who organise events using (the UEM Sunrise) brand without authorisation,” the spokesman told the South China Morning Post.

Posters promoting the April 6 event had appeared online yesterday. – March 21, 2019.

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  • Umno dan PAS sangat desperate. Pakai side kick

    Posted 5 years ago by SY L · Reply

    • Using the race card to provoke the non-Malays. Part of their ketuanan ideology.

      Posted 5 years ago by Panchen Low · Reply

  • We have a sensible owner. Thumbs up!

    Posted 5 years ago by Tanahair Ku · Reply

  • This kind of bands is halal?? LBGT status how?

    Posted 5 years ago by Kenneth Tan · Reply

  • To all Malaysia this country Malaysia is for All Malaysian Say No to Malay Power.

    Posted 5 years ago by Danial Abdullah · Reply