Musa, lawyer question timing of charges

Jason Santos

Musa Aman says former law minister Nazri Abdul Aziz had told Parliament that there was no element of corruption in the evidence provided by MACC against the former Sabah chief minister. – The Malaysian Insight pic by Nazir Sufari, November 5, 2018.

THE timing of bringing graft charges against Musa Amantoday was highly questionable, seeing that it came just two days before the Kota Kinabalu High Court was to deliver its decision on his claim as the rightful chief minister of Sabah, said lead defence counsel Amer Hamzah Arshad.

“Why arrest and charge him now, just before the High Court is set to deliver its decision? I hope this is not some ploy to prejudice Musa in the eyes of the Kota Kinabalu High Court,” Amer said.

The Kota Kinabalu High Court on Wednesday will rule on the originating summons filed by Musa for a declaration that he is the lawful chief minister of Sabah.

Musa also questioned the timing of the action against him today.

Speaking outside the Kuala Lumpur Court complex, he said former minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Nazri Abdul Aziz had told Parliament had cleared him of any wrongdoing.

Nazri, who was de facto law minister, had told the Dewan Rakyat in 2012 that the Attorney-General’s Chambers found no elements of corruption in the evidence furnished by the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission.

The allegations of corruption was related to the issuances of timber licenses involving a broker from Sandakan named Michael Chia.

Chia was apparently caught trying to smuggle in RM40 million into Malaysia via Hong Kong, which Nazri clarified was supposed to be a political contribution for Sabah Umno, not for Musa.
Chia was charged with money laundering and trafficking by the Hong Kong Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC).

“I will fight these cases to clear my name. I don’t know why but these cases were cleared … about 10 to 14 years ago,” Musa said today.

“Why (is it an issue) again? It was cleared by the minister in charge at the time, in Parliament, (by) Nazri Abdul Aziz… there is no case against me,” he said.

Musa was charged today with 35 counts of graft for allegedly receiving RM243 million in bribes as kickbacks for awarding timber concessions to more than 15 companies between 2004 and 2008. 

“Musa’s arrest will not affect his eligibility to act as Sabah chief minister since he has not been convicted of any criminal charges,” his lawyer said.

“He is innocent and will vigorously fight these charges.

“The charges are based on allegations made 10 to 14 years ago. This smells of selective persecution.”

Graft allegations surfacing now

In the past 11 years, only two reports are known to have been lodged against Musa over alleged graft.

The earliest report was lodged by Parti Solidariti Tanah Airku president Jeffrey Kitingan, who is now an ally of Musa under the Gabungan Bersatu Sabah.

It was lodged on March 2007, when Jeffrey was Sabah PKR chief ahead of the 12th General Election in 2008.

The opposition leader had listed 25 allegations in a 24-page report, which came along with a number of supporting documents, accusing the former Sabah Umno liaison chief of criminal activities, breach of trust, corruption and abuse of power.

Musa was Sabah chief minister from 2003 until May this year.

In May this year, Sabah DAP lodged a police report against Musa over alleged corruption.

This was following a message going viral on social media alleging 81 corruption offences committed by Musa and a list of nominees.  – November 5, 2018.

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  • Why didnt the AG then (Patail) investigate thoroughly and take appropriate action? What is Patails relationship with Musa?
    It is not the timing of the charges but the charges then I believe were suppressed! Good thing the current AG is sharp..

    Posted 5 years ago by TTs Take · Reply

  • Your lawyer must be dumb, you can only be cleared by a court of law. Nazri was only a court jester.

    Posted 5 years ago by Arshad Lazim · Reply

  • That RM243 million if proved to be corruption money, the law of restitution will apply?..

    Posted 5 years ago by MELVILLE JAYATHISSA · Reply