Hishamuddin not being investigated, says MCMC

The Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission says Hishamuddin Rais is not being investigated though the activist’s statement has been recorded pertaining to an offensive post shared on his personal blog. – The Malaysian Insight file pic, July 5, 2024.

HISHAMUDDIN Rais is not being subjected to any investigation, the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) said. 

The MCMC said the activist had his statement recorded yesterday to assist investigations into an offensive post that was shared on his “TukarTiub” blog. 

“The MCMC, in collaboration with the police, recorded Hishamuddin’s statement at 3.15pm yesterday, to assist in a probe into an ongoing case. 

“The MCMC earlier handed a notice of attendance to Hishamuddin according to the relevant procedures. There was no detention (involved), and no devices were seized, and the investigations concluded at 6.45pm,” the commission said in a statement today. 

MCMC said its investigations against individuals are carried out according to existing laws. 

Earlier today, Lawyers for Liberty director Zaid Malek urged the government to immediately drop the “outrageous” probe against Hishamuddin. 

The prominent activist was quizzed for sharing a post originally written by former MP Tamrin Ghafar, which raised questions about Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim’s health. 

In the blog post republished by Hishamuddin, Tamrin, the son of former deputy prime minister Ghafar Baba, said he was called to the Bukit Aman police headquarters on April 30 over another article he wrote, which also pertained to Anwar. 

Zaid accused Anwar of using enforcement authorities to stifle criticisms, adding that the prime minister should file a civil suit like “all other citizens” if he felt defamed. – July 5, 2024.  

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