MCA calls on government to bolster child protection measures

THE MCA has made an urgent plea to the government and relevant authorities to take immediate steps to bolster child protection measures.

It said it was greatly concerned over the alarming increase in child abuse cases, especially the recent tragedies involving a 5-year-old girl and an 18-month-old child at an unlicensed childcare centre. 

“We also urge the government to review and strengthen the Child Act and related legislations to ensure comprehensive protection for minors. 

This includes tougher penalties for offenders, clear legal responsibilities for licensed childcare facilities, and strict adherence to standards set by the  Ministry of Women, Family, and Community Development, with all centres obtaining legal licences,” said Wanita MCA chairman, Wong You Fong.

The MCA women’s wing also appealed to the Ministry to swiftly establish a rigorous certification and review system for childcare providers, ensuring they meet stringent experience and qualification criteria without any criminal record.

“Public awareness must be heightened through joint efforts between the Ministries of Education and Communications, promoting children’s rights education in schools, communities, and media, along with fostering positive parenting practices.

“We advocate for cohesive collaboration among government bodies, NGOs, educational institutions, healthcare providers, and community leaders to form a robust child protection network, ensuring underaged persons receive unwavering attention and safeguarding at all levels,” said Wong.

To enhance child protection efforts, she said the government should prioritise professional training for early childhood caregivers, including teachers, caregivers, and healthcare professionals, equipping them with the skills to detect and respond effectively to signs of abuse.

“Wanita MCA calls upon community members to actively participate in safeguarding children, establishing local monitoring mechanisms to swiftly identify and report any instances of abuse.

“Safeguarding children is a fundamental responsibility of society. The government, educational institutions, NGOs, and every individual must unite to create a safe and nurturing environment for our minors to thrive,” she added. - The Vibes, June 17, 2024.

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